James had resentment, guilt, and anger toward others. The former runner stepped on an IED. He tried to cope with his amputated leg, but until it wasn’t until his warm water therapy that he could let go of the wounds of war.
James had resentment, guilt, and anger toward others. The former runner stepped on an IED. He tried to cope with his amputated leg, but until it wasn’t until his warm water therapy that he could let go of the wounds of war.
Justin came home from deployment and his family realized something was different. His PTSD manifested powerfully and after an ultimatum from his future wife, he decided to reach out for help. Healing Wave Aquatics was the first treatment that allowed him to Read More
Branden went from Marine to firefighter but the transition was difficult and he left his PTSD unaddressed. Healing Wave Aquatics program gave Branden a "night and day" difference in his day-to-day interactions with others. Read More
Cherrie was having difficulty in her personal life and she was suffering from suicidal ideations. Cherrie explains how Healing Wave Aquatics helped her sleep better, increase her "emotional connectedness," and become calmer overall. Read More
James had resentment, guilt, and anger toward others. The former runner stepped on an IED. He tried to cope with his amputated leg, but until it wasn't until his warm water therapy that he could let go of the wounds of war. Read More