Healing Wave Aquatics is a not-for-profit (501c3) organization. With generous donations from individuals, foundations and businesses, we have been able to provide the healing benefits of aquatic therapy to increasing numbers of military personnel living with the crippling symptoms of PTS and help improve their physical, mental and emotional health – and their overall quality of life.
Rain Drops $75
Rivers $150
Oceans $500
Other Amount
When you make a gift to Healing Wave Aquatics (formerly Wave Academy), you play an important supportive role in graduating credentialed aquatic practitioners, increasing the public’s understanding and awareness of Aquatic Bodywork as an effective medical treatment, providing scholarship support to qualified practitioners in training, and creating access to treatment for deserving military, veterans and their families.
Your tax-deductible donation allow us to continue to:
- Provide one-hour treatment sessions for military service members or veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress (PTS) or for a family member or other caregiver.
- Enroll a veteran or active service member in the Academy’s PTSD Research Protocol, which provides eight treatment sessions over a two-month period, along with follow-up counseling and resource assistance.
- Educate the public about Aquatic Bodywork as a viable alternative healing treatment
Healing Wave Aquatics programs and services are made possible thanks to generous financial support from foundations and grant makers, and private donations from supporters and friends. Thank you for your support. Every drop counts.